Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Define yourself

This Barbie blog is going to be Fabulous! All things Barbie will be involved. Happiness. Hot Ken Doll's. Fancy cars (hey, a girl can dream, right?). And of course a lot of plastic. Why not use the Quiz links to find out which Barbie you are? According to the Quiz I am rocker barbie:

You are Rocker Barbie!
You are very creative and all about expressing yourself. You'll go far as an

I'd like to think I am a rocker Barbie in disguise (of a Farmer Barbie). Let's just say I like to dabble in many different things

Farm Girl Barbie (FGB)

Monday, December 7, 2009

Whats with those Shoes...

What a way to start my first post here with the Barbie Gang! While looking for Christmas Visions (cause there is no way I would ever think of buying one of these), I found this! Can you imagine? I would want one of these in my secret dreams. Go here CAT BURGLAR BARBIE

and get all the details.

But I digress, Welcome to Small Town Barbie! We are a group of 5 women. We come from far and wide. We have different backgrounds. We have different lives. We are unique, each one of us. What we are bringing to this party is our opinions, our values, our joy and sorrows. We bring advice, questions, laughter, and sometimes a tear or two. We wanted a place to be ourselves. Say what needs to be said, with no regrets. That is why we will never post photos of our faces. You won't know where we live. You won't know our Ken Doll's name. Our little Kelly and Skip doll's will amuse you. And our words will be honest. You may not agree with us. You may even want to comment and share your opinion. We can handle it. You will have fun, we always do when we are together. You may even come to love us. So grab a cup of something good, cozy on in and join us on our Barbie adventures.

So let me introduce them to you...

Farm Girl Barbie, well her name just does not say it all! Yes she lives in the country, yes she has a small farm, but hold on to your boots straps boys and girls.....she is the one with foreign flair.

Gangsta Girl Barbie, she is our voice of reason, NOT! She is the life of our party. She is creative, talented beyond compare. We could have named her Artsy-Fartsy Girl, but NO WAY! She tends to be a rebel, but one with a cause.

Queen Girl Barbie, she is our young and innocent. We are on a path to educate her up, the right way. It was rumored in high school, and I quote, "She is the head the of Barbie Mafia, mess with her or her friends and she'll have you taken out".

Baker Girl Barbie, she always has something cooking up sleeve. She works full time and caters on the side. Oh and she loves guns. We thought of calling her Rambo Girl, but time will tell. She is loving, compassionate, caring, and empathetic beyond compare.

SugaMama Barbie, notice I leave the girl out of that one. She is the old lady here. She loves to spoil the kids, bake cupcakes, and trying to remember to keep her poop in a group. Loving and learning everyday and trying to keep from falling behind.

Somehow we all landed here, togther. Ties that bind are strong. We hope you came back soon. Tomorrows another day and another post. See you soon!